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MWBWG Awards and Scholarships

The Midwest Bat Working Group accepts nominations and applications for several awards leading up the annual meeting.


Dave Redell Lifetime Achievement Award

The Midwest Bat Working Group is seeking nominations for the Dave Redell Lifetime Achievement Award. This award honors an individual who has a history of involvement with MWBWG and who has demonstrated an exemplary, long-term commitment to promoting and preserving bats in the Midwest through research, conservation, education, or other creative projects. Any MWBWG member from Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, or Wisconsin is eligible to be recognized.


Dave Redell displaying the wings of a little brown bat for a group of university students (Credit: Jaimie Nack) and installing a beam break system at an entrance to a mine.

This award is presented only when an outstanding candidate has been nominated and may not be given each year. At least one nominator should be a member of the MWBWG.

To nominate an individual for this award, submit a letter that describes the nominee's achievements, details their contributions to bat conservation in the Midwest and throughout their career, and details why this individual should be considered. In addition to the nomination letter, a Curriculum Vitae of the candidate and other statements of support are requested.

Letters of nomination should be submitted to Jocelyn Karsk (jkarsk@illinois.edu) by the end of March 3, 2024The award will be presented at the annual MWBWG meeting.


John O. Whitaker, Jr. Student Travel Award

The Midwest Bat Working Group is accepting applications for two student travel awards, one for an undergraduate student and one for a graduate student. These awards are intended to promote student attendance at the Midwest Bat Working Group Meeting by offsetting the cost of attendance.

Each award will include:

  • 2024 Annual Meeting Registration
  • 2024 MWBWG membership fee waived
  • $200 stipend to assist with travel costs associated with attending the meeting

Currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to apply. Students should apply by filling out the nomination form, including a brief (400-words or less) essay answering the questions below.

Applications should be submitted to Marne Titchenell (titchenell.4@osu.edu) by March 3, 2025.




Major or Degree Program:

Undergraduate or Graduate student:


Phone number:

Please answer the following two questions in 400-words or less: What do you think bat biologists will be focusing on over the next 10 years (~200 words)? Why do you think attending the MWBWG conference is important (~ 150 words)? (This is the classic elevator speech; you don’t have much time, so how would you sum it up?)

Best Student Presentation and Best Student Poster Awards

Students presenting a poster or talk during the annual MWBWG meeting are qualified to compete for the best student presentation or best poster award. Student awardees receive $150 and a certificate of achievement. Awards are given during the last day of the annual meeting.

MWBWG is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization

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